Business Development Unit

Responsibilities & Services

  1. Development and commercialization of new-products/ Patentable outcomes resulting through IBMBB research innovations with the support of University Business Linkage Cell (UBL), University of Colombo.
  2. Conduct Annual Open Day to promote IBMBB post-graduate courses and other short courses which in turn benefit local and international students who are interested in higher education in Molecular Life Sciences, Immunology, Bioinformatics and allied fileds.
  3. Development of projects to facilitate the expansion of the knowledge of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry among Advanced Level students in rural, non-urban schools through conducting guest lectures, road shows and various other programmes
  4. Deliver professional consultancy in Research and Higher Education

  5. Provide services including
    1. DNA sequencing
    2. Cell culture facility
    3. Genetic analysis for several human diseases such as cancer, developmental disorders and immunodeficiency diseases.
    4. HPLC facility to the public and private sector